Software & Services

Powerful AI

in the CLoud

Provided exclusively for BioPharmaceutical and medical device companies.

SteepRock's innovative systems, delivered in our comprehensive platform give our users ...

What we do

"SteepRock provides pre-configured, integrated, best-practice-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) modules that run seamlessly on our state-of-the-art platform-as-a-service (PaaS) known as Evolution, combined with sophisticated custom market research services, allowing our clients to create and leverage scientific and evidence-based support and acceptance for their products, at launch and throughout the product life-cycle."

Let us help you achieve your brand, HCP & Market Access Goals

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"For more than 20 years, SteepRock has led the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, animal health, and nutrition industry, delivering technology that leverages and strengthens relationships between companies and their key stakeholders. Our web-based platform and one-stop integrated SaaS solutions deliver both comprehensive actionable insights and ensure regulatory compliance."

Alan Mello, Jr
Managing Director